11 Robot Development Trends

11 Robot Development Trends

The continuing development of robotics will largely depend on related industries: the science of materials and advances in computer products. Analysts have identified the main trends in the industry for an additional 5 years.

People have a tendency to overestimate the impact of the latest technology in the future and underestimate its impact in the long term.

But this does not negate the fact that the expert community, hawaii and business need a roadmap for that progression of innovative industries sometime soon.

The authors from the annual survey from the home and industrial robots market discussed with experts the primary trends in this area and in the report for 2021 presented 11 areas that in the next five-years may have the highest affect the growth and development of robotics in the world.

1. New materials

Even as we take into account the simplest industrial manipulators, in 2019 roughly 3.5 thousand people per robot, which ratio is not likely to develop without radical adjustments to the science of materials from which robotics is produced, the authors in the review are sure. They pay special awareness of two promising materials:

   gallium nitride (GaN), which may successfully replace silicon for transistor manufacturing;
   graphene, a super-thin and super-strong material from where it is possible to produce actuators for robots, new batteries and much more.

2. New sources of energy, technologies due to the collection and storage

Considering the volume of heat generated by the combustion of gasoline as well as the human dependence on energy, it is possible to calculate if everyone was eating gasoline, they'd only need 150 g of fuel every day. In turn, electric motors are even less energy efficient than an inside combustion engine. In order for robots to be able to contend with humans inside their capabilities, breakthrough technologies are required of their energy supply.

For example, this is actually the improvement of current lithium batteries, the roll-out of new batteries according to hydrogen, etc. Also, we must keep in mind about alternative, alternative energy sources. Finally, a technology could be implemented to recharge the robot remotely, for instance, from energy sources built into a floor or walls.

3. Interaction of sets of robots and people

These are unmanned traffic management systems. To avoid accidents and accidents, transport robots should have a channel of communication both with humans sufficient reason for the other person.

4. Navigation in extreme conditions

Robots should be aware what these are doing and where they are moving not only under normal human conditions, but also where people simply cannot make it: by way of example, in high altitude or about the seabed.

In addition, situations can not be excluded if the robot will remain completely without communication (for example, underground or perhaps in the big event of an satellite breakdown). In this case, you will need to develop a fully autonomous navigation system for unmanned devices. Similar developments already exist both abroad plus Russia.

5. Machine learning

The progression of artificial intelligence is critical to produce truly useful and "smart" robots. Over the years to come, Sberbank analysts identify four fundamental vectors of development in this field:

increasing the efficiency utilizing neural networks by looking into making their architecture more complex or reducing power consumption;

teaching algorithmic procedures as opposed to hard programming, that may simplify and, therefore, increase the process of acquiring skills by the machine;

mass adoption of cloud services for machine learning;

improvement of motional actions of robots thanks to artificial intelligence technologies.

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6. Human-machine interaction

The robot economy, like all other innovative technologies, is approximately increasing productivity. That is, automation is not an end in itself, but something to increase economic efficiency. The authors with the review are likely to believe that the most effective result will be shown not by replacing those with robots, but by their cooperation. According to them, the interaction of robots and humans will develop in four main areas:

a robot as a power tool that repeats human capabilities (as an example, exoskeletons and prostheses);

robot as a tool that expands human capabilities;

an avatar robot, that's, a product remotely controlled with a an affiliate hard-to-reach places;

social interaction with a person, like voice assistants and chat bots.

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7. Manipulation robotics

The authors in the Sberbank report feel that over the following 5 years we're unlikely to find out a breakthrough in hardware technologies for robots ("hardware"), however the growth and development of software will raise the capabilities and lower the price of manipulation technology.

First coming from all, we're discussing improving the feedback of sensors. Robot, grabbing an object, can have to inform the operator in detail about how heavy it is, dimensions, compression force, etc. Also, new computer technologies is likely to make it possible to program more advanced trajectories of motion of manipulators.

8. Sensorics

One from the definitions of the concept of "robot", that the analysts of Sberbank stick to, says that it is a product that is certainly capable to perceive the entire world around it with the aid of sensors, process the signals received in this way and react accordingly. Reducing the cost, simplifying and increasing the capabilities of sensorics is one with the key trends within the growth and development of robotics inside the future years.

9. Robosimulators

Large levels of data are expected to coach robots. To receive them, it just isn't necessary to create a model of your robot - it sometimes may be economically unprofitable, often even dangerous for someone. Therefore,  Homepage  of advance of computer simulators of the robot is only going to increase using the expansion of automation.

10. New drive

Fundamentally, the principles of producing drive mechanisms are unlikely to change, but even here the authors of the review discover a field for innovation. In addition to the new super-strong materials specified inside the first paragraph, these can be new motors and gearboxes.

11. Design and production

Again, this really is primarily about software innovation. Libraries of electronic components, high-quality digital diaries, virtual reality tools can simplify the product design process.

At the fabrication stage, the progress of robotics is going to be stimulated with the emergence of latest materials, their reduction in price, plus the development of 3D printing. It also requires optimization of software, which will make it easier and faster to produce new machines.